Prevention from Corona Virus & What Ayurveda has to offer ?

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Corona Virus has been spread globally and has its terror on the mankind recently. As there is no cure found till date, the only way is the prevention from this disease. Taking precautions are always better than cure. This is seen in the case of many affected countries. Whole Globe is under Lockdown or Curfew Conditions. This is just because the reason this virus is too much contagious, and spreading at a very fast rate. As it also flatten the curve on graph of number of infections with respect to Time. and in turn it gives the health care agencies more time to respond to the crisis.

World Health Organisation and the governments have provided with many and simple prevention methods to fight and contain the spread of this pandemic. As per WHO, the best prevention is to make yourself clear.
There are various precautions that have to be taken into account for its containment and prevention, which are as follows:
1. Wash Your Hands thoroughly with Soap and Water ; apply the soap and massage it onto your hands for at least 25-30 seconds and then rinse with clean water, and avoid touching the hands on face, eyes, nose or mouth without washing.
2. If going outside and contacting any person or thing with bare hands, then use alcohol based sanitizer, if Soap and water is not available.
3. Wear Protective Mask, if you are having cough, sneeze, or any other Flu like symptoms.
4. Also while going outside, wear Eyewear if suitable to protect your eyes, as this Virus has the potential to enter to your bloodstream through the eyes.
5. Maintain Social Distancing : Social distancing means to maintain at least One Meter Distance from others, don’t go near to other persons, as you may not know, who is infected or not.
6. Avoid unnecessary travel & meeting others so as to contain the spread of this Virus.

Now the question arises what has Ayurveda and other traditional methods of the world has to offer to prevent or cure this disease caused by this Newly found Virus ?

As we can see the name Corona Virus is not new, and the structure of Virus is also not very much different from the viruses which caused SARS or MERS. As a Virus enters any living human body, it attacks on the the normal living cell of the human body and makes it as host. Then after entering the host, it replicates itself to the extent of bursting of the host cell, and spreading the new copies of the virus into the body. When this process continues, the human body recognize it and produce antibodies to fight with these Virus foreign elements. In this Fight the dead material of the virus versus antibody remains in the body of human being. In case of this CoV-2 , the dead material lies in the lungs of the human body as a liquid mucous form. Now the whole thing depends here, if the body is able to push out this liquid material from itself or not. As this liquid filled in the lungs, causes pneumonia like situation and cause breathlessness as most part of the lungs is filled with this. Then there arises asphyxia, which is deficiency of oxygen in the body, and the patients need external support of oxygen & ventilators. As seen most of the patients recovers from this, & some dies. Now it has also been observed that patients of old age or over 60 and the patients having other ailments in the body are dying much from this disease. The main reason being is their less Immunity Power. The more the immunity of the patients, less are the chances of fatality.

Ayurveda has described many things which boosts the immunity of a person. Ayurvedic medications & nutrition from herbs & food provide strength to the body to fight with every kind of Virus or any other ailment causing material.
The Ayurveda provides a long list of things which can be consumed to boost the immunity of a person, but we will discuss only those which are easily accessible and Ayurveda also restrict and prohibit use of many things which make favorable conditions for virus like things to grow.
Herbs which are beneficial in boosting immunity of a person are as follows:
1. Turmeric : It contains curcumin which is a strong antioxidant
2. Ginger : It contains Gingerol, which helps in reducing muscle pains & soreness .
3. Black Pepper : It contains Bioprine, which increases nutrition absorption in the body
4. Echinacea Angustfolia : This Immunity booster herb was effective in SARS & MERS coronaviruses
5. Vitamin C Rich Fruits like Guava, Oranges & many More. : 0.2 gram of daily intake of Vitamin C helps in boosting immunity of the body.

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